Compiling the theme package - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs

HxGN EAM Customizing the User Interface

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HxGN EAM Version

Once the changes to the Sass files have been made you must build the package which compiles the CSS and creates the image slices for IE. Here are the steps required.

  1. Open a command line window and change to the new theme’s "sass" folder.

    cd {install directory}/Theming/{workspace}/packages/local/mynewtheme

  2. Build the theme package with the following command.

    sencha package build

  3. When the process completes, copy the contents of the mynewtheme/build/resources to {install directory}/apache/web.war/resources/mynewtheme.

  4. In both the Login and EAM app folders ({install directory}/apache/web.war/login and {install directory}/apache/web.war/eam) duplicate the theme-default.json file. Rename the new file(s) to "mynewtheme.json". Note that this name needs to match the value you wish to use for the uitheme install parameter, i.e. "mynewtheme".

  5. Open each of these files in a text editor and find the css block. It will look like this:

    "css": [{
    "remote": false,
    "exclude": ["fashion"],
    "path": "resources/theme-default/app-all_1.css"
    }, {
    "remote": false,
    "exclude": ["fashion"],
    "path": "resources/theme-default/app-all_2.css"
    }, {
    "remote": false,
    "exclude": ["fashion"],
    "path": "resources/theme-default/app-all_3.css"
    }, {
    "remote": false,
    "exclude": ["fashion"],
    "path": "resources/theme-default/app-all_4.css"

  6. In this block only, replace "theme-default" with the name of your new theme (and should match the folder you moved in step 3, above. Also change the name of the individual filenames to match the filenames that are in that folder.

    css": [{
    "remote": false,
    "exclude": ["fashion"],
    "path": "resources/mynewtheme/mynewtheme-all_1.css"
    }, {
    "remote": false,
    "exclude": ["fashion"],
    "path": "resources/mynewtheme/mynewtheme-all_2.css"
    }, {
    "remote": false,
    "exclude": ["fashion"],
    "path": "resources/mynewtheme/mynewtheme-all_3.css"
    }, {
    "remote": false,
    "exclude": ["fashion"],
    "path": "resources/mynewtheme/mynewtheme-all_4.css"