User Setup – Responsibilities tab - HxGN EAM - Version 12.0 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Checklists

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

Checklist security can be fine-tuned for Task Plans where one or more of the responsibility fields are entered. There are only 3 fields on this tab:

  1. Responsibility— System Codes Entity ‘Responsibilities’ (‘RESP’). Any user can have as many responsibilities associated as required.

  2. Description— When a responsibility is selected, the system displays the description of that responsibility.

  3. Type— When a responsibility is selected, the system displays the type of that responsibility. The following types are currently supported:

    • Checklist Viewer – Associated Responsibility has view only access.

    • Checklist Reviewer – Associated Responsibility review signature and reject access.

    • Checklist Performer – Associated Responsibility can fill in the checklist items.

A user can have multiple responsibilities. Responsibilities are additive, meaning a user with reviewer and performer access can fill in and review the checklist.