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Intergraph Smart 3D Geometry Analysis and Repair

Intergraph Smart 3D
Geometry Analysis and Repair
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Administration & Configuration
Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)

Sets options for comparing data.

Select the Sheetbody to compare

Select a single sheetbody in the graphic view.

Select .sat file

Select an external .sat file to compare to the selected sheetbody.


Performs the comparison of the two sheet-bodies. The results are shown in a tabular summary as well as graphically, using colors. See Deviation Threshold below for an explanation of the colors.

Points Per Face

Specifies the number of sampling points generated per face of the baseline sheetbody from the external .sat file. This number must be a positive integer between 5 and 25.

Deviation Threshold

Controls the color of the graphic results. The color of the arrows in the graphic view designates the comparison as follows:

  • Green - Less than the deviation threshold.

  • Red - Greater than the deviation threshold.


Controls the scaling of the deviation vectors. The scale must be a positive number.