j5 Shift Operations Management configuration - j5 - 28.0 - Training - Hexagon

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In this course, we explain how to configure the four modules that comprise j5 Shift Operations Management. These are j5 Operations Logbook, j5 Shift Handover, j5 Work Instructions, and j5 Standing Orders.

Configuration of these applications takes place largely in the j5 IndustraForm Designer, a Windows desktop application. This is introduced in Module 1.

In Modules 2-5, we consider how to configure each of the four applications.

While most configuration of these applications takes place from the j5 IndustraForm Designer, some configuration is performed from the j5 Web Client. This is indicated as you proceed through the course.

Configuration rights are required to configure j5 Shift Operations Management modules. Permissions can be assigned by j5 users with the administrator rights profile.

Module 1: Configuration overview

Unit 1: Connect the j5 IndustraForm Designer

Unit 2: Scope selector

Unit 3: File types and functions

Unit 4: Sample IndustraForm templates

Module 2: Operations Logbook configuration

Unit 1: j5 Operations Logbook configuration

Unit 2: Default logbook forms

Unit 3: Configure a modified Default Form

Unit 4: Common customizations to the Default Form

Unit 5: Predefined message list

Unit 6: Create a new Default Form design

Unit 7: Configure operations logbook categories

Module 3: Shift Handover configuration

Unit 1: j5 Shift Handover configuration

Unit 2: Shift names and times

Unit 3: Create a shift handover configuration

Unit 4: Use a sample shift report template

Unit 5: Preview a shift report template design

Unit 6: Standard shift report template

Unit 7: Common modifications to the standard shift report template

Unit 8: Make the shift report template live

Unit 9: Enable the shift handover configuration

Unit 10: Edit a shift handover configuration

Unit 11: Shift handover configuration action buttons

Unit 12: Advanced shift report template

Unit 13: Shift crew

Unit 14: Key shift events

Unit 15: Process information

Unit 16: Common modifications to the advanced shift report templates

Unit 17: Make the shift report template live

Unit 18: Enable the shift handover configuration

Unit 19: Make a new version of a shift report template live

Module 4: Work Instructions Configuration

Unit 1: j5 Work Instructions configuration

Unit 2: Work Planning features

Unit 3: Create a work plan

Unit 4: Create a work plan with a specialized IndustraForm

Unit 5: Create a work plan template

Unit 6: Work categories

Unit 7: Scheduled work instructions

Unit 8: Design a work instruction template

Unit 9: Preview the template’s design

Unit 10: Release the work instruction

Unit 11: Scheduled work instructions on the built-in work instruction form

Unit 12: Work Instructions forms

Unit 13: Default Forms

Unit 14: Configure a modified Default Form

Unit 15: New Topic (119)

Unit 16: Remove fields

Unit 17: Add fields

Unit 18: Cell sizes

Unit 19: Link predefined message lists

Unit 20: Create a new Default Form design

Unit 21: Specialized forms

Module 5: Standing Orders Configuration

Unit 1: Create and activate a standing order

Unit 2: Deactivate a standing order