Function: get_task_measurement_export_data - j5 - 28.0 - Reference - Hexagon

j5 Framework IndustraForm API Reference

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This function is available from j5 Operator Rounds 28.0 update 9.

Returns the task data for a particular operator round (specified by the logid). The results are similar to the ones you’ll get when you click Export Measurements in the Operator Rounds application on the j5 Web Client.

  1. To get the logids for the operator rounds:

    curl -X GET "https://[j5 Server URL]/restserver/28.0/industraform/logbook-query-v2/operator_rounds?attribute_names=logid"

    Refer to the REST API documentation for information on how to construct a query.

  2. To get a list of the measurements in each round:

    curl -X GET "https://[j5 Server URL]/restserver/28.0/industraform/parent-method/operator_rounds/[logid]/get_task_measurement_export_data"

    For example:

    curl -X GET "https://[j5 Server URL]/restserver/28.0/industraform/parent-method/operator_rounds/ID1632218586465671916677/get_task_measurement_export_data"


    To present an operator round's task data in an IndustraForm use the following function:

    = IMPORT.LOGMETHODDATASET ("operator_rounds",BOUNDCOL("logid"),"get_task_measurement_export_data")

    BOUNDCOL("logid"): A section databinding that is importing Operator Rounds.

  3. Example results:


    "$rowId": "ID1632218586465671916677-Axial_Disch_Stat",

    "Altitude": 38.25,

    "AltitudeAccuracy": 5,

    "Comment": null,

    "Identifier": "Axial_Disch_Stat",

    "Label": "Axial Comp Disch Status",

    "LastModifiedTime": "2021-09-22T14:09:52Z",

    "LastModifiedUser": "percy_urs",

    "Latitude": -33.92688730452656,

    "LocationAccuracy": 5,

    "Longitude": 18.420954665417433,

    "NoReadingAvailable": false,

    "SectionBreadcrumb": "HydroCracker HC-1940 > Turbine Unit",

    "Value": "Good"
