GET 03 Exercises - Intergraph Smart Electrical - 2.0 - Help - Intergraph

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Exercise 03.01 Request plant item type (circuits)

Based on the request 03.01 Motors, which exposes motors from the plant, do the following:

  • Create a request that retrieves circuits in PLANT001.

Exercise 03.02 Request circuit collection plus count

Based on the request you created in Exercise 03.01, add to the request a method that displays the total count of items in the payload.

  • Create a request that retrieves the circuits and their total number in PLANT001.

Exercise 03.03 Request circuit collection, plus count, plus selected properties

Based on the request you created in Exercise 03.02, add several circuit properties.

  • Create a request that retrieves the circuits and their total number in PLANT001. In addition, retrieve the properties based on the following display names:

    • Item Tag

    • Item Type Identifier

    • Rated Voltage

    • Frequency

    • Number of Phases

      SHARED Tip Use the 02.04 Plant annotations request results to find the actual property when using the select option. Use the Search option to find the property related to Circuit in each case by typing, for example: String=”Item Tag”.

Exercise 03.04 Request circuit collection – order by item tag in ascending plus selected properties

Based on the request you created in Exercise 03.03, add an option to sort in an ascending order.

Edit the request in Exercise 03.03, and add the $orderby method, with the ascending option.