Collars - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Structural Detailing Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Structural Detailing
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Smart 3D Version

Collars are placed automatically in the model by the assembly connection rules. Designers can change the collar selection at design time.

This section refers to both clips and collars. You use the same techniques to create both types of symbol.

Collars are smart occurrences, so the catalog database points to the two-dimensional symbol for the collar as well as the C# rules.

Collar symbols define the shape of the collar. The inputs to the symbol include the model geometry for the penetrating profile, the slot, and the penetrated object and parameter data. The output is a 2D curve adjusted to the model geometry and parameter data. By default, the slot symbol files are delivered to the [SharedContent Folder]\FTLibrary\Collars folder.


Collar symbols use edge names as inputs to welds. Collar symbols must follow the 2D Symbols naming conventions. Collars rely on slot and profile edges

Collars follow the following edge naming conventions:

Clips use the following edge naming conventions:


Layers control how the collar contour is projected and how the dimension between two lines is applied.

Collar Contour Projection

Dimension Choices

Elements on the CrossSectionPlane layer will be cut parallel to the penetrated part. Elements on the Default layer will be cut square. Constrain the symbol elements to be parallel to get the cross-section plane adjustment.

A - CrossSectionPlane Layer

B - Default Layer


You control how dimensions are applied by using layers. Dimensions placed on the CrossSectionPlane layer are applied normal to the penetrating object. These dimensions must be applied to lines that are constrained to be parallel. Dimensions placed on the Default layer are applied parallel to the penetrated object. Dimensions placed on the NoShortPtAdj are not adjusted when they are applied. These dimensions are used in unusual cases when the lines are parallel but should not be adjusted.

A - Dimension along the cross-section plane.

B - Web of the penetrating profile.

C - Dimension along the penetrated plane.

D - Penetrated part.

Dimensions on the CrossSectionPlane layer use the short point. Dimensions on the Default layer use the long point.

A - Short Point

B - Long Point

The short point adjustment is calculated at the center of the thickness. This adjustment value alters the dimension that is then applied to the symbol.

A - Short Point Adjustment

B - Mounting Angle

C - Short Point

D - Thickness Centerline

E - Long Point

Use the NoShortPtAdj layer when you need the elements to be parallel, but you do not want to use the short point adjustment. For example, you would use the NoShortPtAdj layer for a clip that is parallel to the slot edge, but should maintain a 50mm clearance regardless of the projection angle of the slot through the plate.

The C# rules for slots consist of the following components:

Root Selector

RootClipSelectorRule.cs defines three questions, all of which are defined at the assembly connection level.


CollarSideOfPlate and CollarCreationOrder may not be changed by the user.

The root selector logic picks a sub selector based on the collar order, plate tightness, and stress level.


The sub-selector picks a collar from the catalog based on the profile type.


The definition file creates welds for the clip. The file also creates the collar object.

This file constructs the physical connection object. For example, the file can call the physical connection rules and select a weld type such as a butt, tee, or lap. The file contains the conditionals that are used to construct physical connection objects. It also constructs the collar object. The implementation of creating objects is in the CollarManagedCustomAssemblyDefinitionBase.cs file.

Watertight Definition

The ConnectionServices.cs file checks for types of welds for a watertight collar. The file uses conditionals to place a specific set of welds for each cross-section. By implementing conditionals, one file can be used for multiple cross-sections.

Parameter Rule

This file defines parameter values to be applied to the symbol.


The collar reference data is delivered by default to the FT_SRDConstDetailsClips_Style1.xls and FT_SRDConstDetailsClips_Style2.xls files in the [Product Folder]\ShipCatalog\BulkLoad\DataFiles\StructDetail folder. Each worksheet in this file creates a Smart Class. Each row creates a Smart Item.

A - Symbol Files

B - Selector Rule

C - Parameters

D - Definition Rules

Collars in the Catalog

See Also

Creating a Bracket Part
Creating a Chamfer
Creating a Collar
Creating a Corner Feature
Creating a Web Cut
Creating a Slot
Assembly Connections
Bracket Parts
Edge, Corner, and Face Feature Reference Data
End Cuts
Free End Cuts
Split at Angle End Cuts
Customizing Structural Detailing Reference Data