SIFs & Tees - CAESAR II - Help

CAESAR II Users Guide

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Defines SIF and tee data. Select or clear by double-clicking the SIFs & Tees check box on the Classic Piping Input dialog box.

The SIFs/Tees auxiliary panel tab controls options for stress intensification factors (SIFs), or fitting types, for up to two nodes per element. If you select components from the list, the software automatically calculates the SIF values according to the applicable code unless you override this behavior. Certain fittings and certain codes require additional data. Boxes display as appropriate for the selected fitting.

There are two basic component types:

  • Three element intersection components

  • Two element joint components

A fully defined intersection model requires that three pipes frame into the intersection node and that two of them are co-linear. Partial intersection assumptions are made for junctions where you have coded one or two pipes into the intersection node, but these models are not recommended. Two element joint components can be formed equally well with one or two elements framing into the node.

You only need to type the intersection or joint type and properties on one of the elements going to the junction. CAESAR II duplicates the intersection characteristics for all other pipes framing into the intersection.

  • Fully review the warning messages coming from CAESAR II during error checking. These messages detail any assumptions made during the assembly and calculation of the intersection SIFs.

  • To view and change the stress intensification factors calculated by the software, use the Intersection SIF Scratchpad and the Bend SIF Scratchpad.