SpecRulesDataUndefined Report - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - 2020 10.0 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Integration (2020)

Intergraph Smart Reference Data
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Customization & Programming
Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
2020 (10.0)

The SpecRulesDataUndefined report checks to see if the following spec rule sheets exist:




Checks the allowable pipe bend angle rule data. This is an optional rule.


Checks the cap screw length calculation tolerance rule data. This is an optional rule. It is not spec dependent.


Checks the corrosion allowance rule data.


Checks the default direction change rule data. Data is only required when the DefaultChangeOfDirectionPerSpec does not have the data for the spec. Otherwise, it is optional.


Checks the default direction change rule data per spec. Data is only required when independent DefaultChangeOfDirection data does not exist or should be modified. Otherwise, it is optional.


Checks the field fit length rule data.


Checks the field lining thickness rule data. This is an optional rule.


Checks the flared pipe rule data. This is an optional rule. It is not spec dependent. Data may also exist in the FlaredPipePerSpec.


Checks the flared pipe rule data per spec. This is an optional rule. Data may also exist in the independent FlaredPipe rule.


Checks the inside coating rule data. This is an optional rule.


Checks the joint quality factor rule data. This is an optional rule


Checks the machine bolt length calculation tolerance rule data. This is an optional rule. It is not spec dependent.


Checks the minimum pipe length rule data. Data is not spec dependent. Data is only required when the PipeLengthRulePerSpec does not have the data for the spec. Otherwise, it is optional.


Checks the minimum pipe length rule data per spec. Data is only required when independent PipeLengthRule data does not exist or should be modified. Otherwise, it is optional.


Checks the permissible nominal piping diameter rule for core, jacket, and jumper. This is an optional rule.


Checks the permissible nominal piping diameter rule for jacket fittings data exceptions. This is an optional rule.


Checks the permissible taps rule data.


Checks the pipe bend radius multiplier rule data. This is an optional rule. It is applicable if the value of the Pipe Bend Radius Multiplier option equals the numeric equivalent of ‘Pipe bend radius is to be determined by rule’, and the piping commodity filter includes pipe bends. Pipe bends will be recognized on the basis of the value of the Selection Basis property being equal to the numeric equivalent of ‘Pipe bend’ or ‘Pipe bend to be flared’.


Checks the pipe bending elongation rule data. This is an optional rule. It is not spec dependent. Data may also exist in the PipeBendingElongationPerSpec.


Checks the pipe bending elongation rule data per spec. This is an optional rule. Data may also exist in the independent PipeBendingElongation rule.


Checks the branch intersection rule data.


Checks the branch intersection rule data for jackets. This is an optional rule and is only required when the piping materials class includes jacketed fittings.


Checks the permissible nominal diameters rule data.


Checks the port alignment rule data. This is an optional rule. It is not spec dependent. Data may also exist in the PortAlignmentPerSpec.


Checks the port alignment rule data per spec. This is an optional rule. Data may also exist in the independent PortAlignment rule.


Checks the preferred cap screw length rule data. This is an optional rule. It is not spec dependent.


Checks the preferred machine bolt length rule data. This is an optional rule. It is not spec dependent.


Checks the preferred stud bolt length rule data. This is an optional rule. It is not spec dependent.


Checks the reinforcing pad data. This is an optional rule. It is applicable only if reinforcing pads are used in the spec.


Checks the reinforcing weld data. This is an optional rule. It is applicable only if reinforcing welds are used in the spec.


Checks the branch root gap rule data. This is an optional rule. It is not spec dependent.


Checks the service limits rule data.


Checks the service limits for jackets and jumpers rule data. This is an optional rule.


Checks the size reduction rule data. This is an optional rule. It is not spec dependent.


Checks the preferred stud bolt length rule data. This is an optional rule. It is not spec dependent.


Checks the thickness data. This is an optional rule.


Checks the weld clearance rule data.


Checks the weld gap rule data. This is an optional rule.

The verification report steps through every specification selected for export and checks the existence of all those rules. The report validates if the sheet itself exists, but also if the sheet has the data for the specifications exported. Some of the rules are not specification dependent, so they cannot be checked for specification related issues. They can only be checked to see if no data is in such a sheet at all. The verification report will consider job data and destination data. Some rules are optional. If optional rules data is missing, the result reports the issue as a warning. The message text states that the respective rule is optional, and the user can decide whether he can ignore the feedback.

The following is a sample result. Note that in the second row, where the PipeNominalDiameters is checked, the software did not set the problem indicator and the message level is only informational. This is because in our case, the PipeNominalDiameters sheet has data in the destination inventory for the given specification; it's only in the current export run that it has none.
