Info Tab (Text Box Properties Dialog Box) - SmartSketch - Help

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Shows the drawing sheet for an element.


Shows the layer on which an element appears in a drawing sheet.


Specifies the coordinates, or location, of a text box along the x and y axes.

All metrics on the text box are either in paper units or world units except origin. Origin is always in world units.


Sets the width of the text box to either At Least (at least the value you specify), Auto (the text drives the width), or Exactly (exactly at the value you specify) in the At: field.


Sets the height of the text box to either At Least (at least the value you specify), Auto (the text drives the height), or Exactly (exactly at the value you specify) in the At: field.


Sets the angle of the text box.

The text box always rotates about the origin.

Text Orientation

Sets the orientation of the text either horizontally or vertically.

Units Space

Sets the text box units to either paper units or to world units.

Paper units represent units on an actual sheet of paper. Paper units are set in inches. Other units are also available.

World units indicate real world distances but can be scaled down to fit a sheet of paper.

Within the drawing environment, "world units" is synonymous with the term "model units" found in other CAD packages.


Specifies the placement relationship between the origin and the shape (text box) according to the horizontal and vertical components.

The inside text area is an area that the margins of the text box define. That is, margins are inside the outside edges of the text box.

The following graphic illustrates top (1), right (2), bottom (3) and left (4) margins around the text box for horizontal justification (A) and vertical justification (B).

The maximum cap height of the first formatted text line of each line defines the text area capline, even if the line has been clipped out of the text box.

The line baseline is a font metric that describes an imaginary line for location of characters. The largest descender for any font on the line defines the baseline. Therefore, the largest descender of the fonts used on the last line defines the text area baseline, even if the line is clipped out of the text box.

The following graphic illustrates text cap area (a) and text baseline (b) for horizontal justification (A) and vertical justification (B).

You must define horizontal and vertical components together. These components apply to both single-line and multi-line text. For multi-line text, the cap height of the first line is used for the capline of the text, and the descender of the last line is used for the baseline of the text.


Specifies horizontal placement at six options based on shape (text box), text area, and the text within the text box at left, center, and right positions.


Specifies vertical placement at 10 options based on shape (text box), text area, and the text within the text box.

  • Text Baseline — Specifies the text area baseline.

  • Text Top — Specifies the top of the text area, which begins at the bottom of the top margin.

  • Text Capline — Specifies the text area capline.

  • Text Half Ascender — Specifies half the distance from the text area baseline to the top of the text area.

  • Text Half Cap — Specifies the distance half way between the text area capline and baseline.

  • Text Center — Specifies the center of the text area.

  • Text Bottom — Specifies the bottom of the text area.

  • Shape Top — Specifies the top edge of the shape.

  • Shape Center — Specifies center of the shape.

  • Shape Bottom — Specifies the bottom of the shape.

Text Alignment

Specifies the placement of formatted text within the shape (text box).

You must define horizontal and vertical components together.


Specifies how each paragraph is aligned within the block of formatted text:

  • Left — Places the edge of the first line of text at the left of the text area.

  • Center — Places the formatted text in the center of the text area.

  • Right — Places the formatted text in the right of the text area.

If Text Orientation is horizontal, you modify all the paragraph alignment properties for all paragraphs within the text box. (These properties appear in the Text Alignment area of the Info tab.)

If Text Orientation is vertical, you modify the shape alignment properties. (These properties appear in the Text Alignment area of the Info tab.)


Places the block of formatted text at Top, Center, Bottom, or Justify area of the text box:

  • Top — Places the edge of the first line of text at the top of the text area.

  • Center — Places the formatted text in the center of the text area.

  • Bottom — Places the formatted text in the bottom of the text area.

  • Justify — Places the first line of the first paragraph at the top of the text area.

  • If Text Orientation is horizontal, you modify the shape alignment properties. (These properties appear in the Text Alignment area of the Info tab.)

  • If Text Orientation is vertical, you modify all the paragraph alignment properties for all paragraphs within the text box. (These properties appear in the Text Alignment area of the Info tab.)


Sets the distance between the edge of the shape and the edge of the text area. Margins are in the same units as the text box.

  • Top — Sets the distance between the top edge of the shape and the top edge of the text area.

  • Bottom — Sets the distance between the bottom edge of the shape and the bottom edge of the text area.

  • Left — Sets the distance between the left edge of the shape and the left edge of the text area.

  • Right — Sets the distance between the right edge of the shape and the right edge of the text area.