Dynamic Outputs - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Reference Data
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Often the symbol outputs are not known before-hand and are determined dynamically during the computation of the symbol. For example, concerning a symbol to create the geometry of a stair, the number of outputs is dependent on the span of the stair and pitch.

The 3D API framework allows addition of such outputs dynamically. Adding dynamic outputs to the symbol by:

  1. Informing symbol machinery that you’ll be creating variable outputs.

    If you derive your symbol definition class from a business object specific base class (that is, StairSymbolDefinition), this step is not needed and you can jump directly to step 2.

    Add VariableOutputs attribute on your class.


  2. Constructing the output object; a symbol output must be persistent; that is, it must be created with a valid database connection.

  3. An output object is added to the symbol outputs with a unique name.

    'Add an output object myOutputObject named “MyOutputName”
    'to the aspect m_oSimplePhysicalAspect.

    m_oSimplePhysicalAspect.Outputs.Add("MyOutputName ", myOutputObject)