Error Messages: DGN Output - Intergraph Smart Isometrics I-View CAD - Help - Hexagon

Smart Isometrics I-View CAD Help

Intergraph Smart Isometrics I-View CAD
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Creation of new design file failed.

Recovery: Check folder permissions or path name.

DGN conversion timed out - MicroStation may still be running.

Recovery: Use the Task Manager to stop MicroStation, and then try again.

Error deleting neutral file.

Meaning: The neutral file does not exist, or there is a permissions problem.

Recovery: Verify that the neutral file exists and that the permissions are correct.

Error reading watch file.

Meaning: The watch file does not exist, or there is a permissions problem.

Recovery: Review the External Dimensions section of the XML configuration file, and correct the errors.

Invalid working units.

Recovery: Check the working units in the MicroStation seed file.

Seed file copy failed.

Meaning: The seed file does not exist, or there is a permissions problem.

Recovery: Verify that the seed file exists and that the permissions are correct.

Supplied neutral file does not exist.

Meaning: The neutral file does not exist, or there is a permissions problem.

Recovery: Verify that the seed file exists and that the permissions are correct.

The seed file is invalid.

Recovery: Try another seed file.

The seed file must be 3D.

Recovery: Change to a MicroStation 3D seed file.

Unknown failure.

Recovery: Contact customer support.