Assemblies and Parts - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Hangers and Supports Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Hangers and Supports
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)

The hangers and supports that you place in your model are based on individual parts, such as a beam clamp or a welded lug. A single support may be comprised of multiple parts. This grouping of parts is referred to as a support assembly. The following figure shows a typical support that contains five unique parts.

Hanger Assembly with Constituent Parts

The assembly of a support's constituent parts is done using information defined in the reference data. Each assembly defined in the reference data is assigned a Custom Support Definition (CSD). The software uses the logic contained in the custom support definition to put together the individual support parts to form an assembly. A custom support definition is a .NET software program and some associated data that has been bulk loaded into the catalog.

The code within the CSD positions and orients the parts in relation to each other, the supported object (such as a pipe), and the supporting object (such as a beam) by applying constraints between ports. The custom support definition is responsible for identifying all constraints necessary to position the parts correctly. Specifying individual constraints provides the most flexibility and control over the assembly process. However, it is a tedious and repetitive process. To simplify things, relationships between parts are described using joints instead of individual constraints. Each joint represents a combination of one or more constraints that simulate the mechanical connection between parts. The custom support definition provides a list of joints between assembly parts. The software parses this list and applies the appropriate individual constraints when creating the assembly.

Implied Parts

Placement of implied parts can only be done using a custom support definition. For more information, see Parts Method.

Although an implied part does not have a graphical representation in the model, it does appear in the Workspace Explorer with its own associated icon as shown in the following illustration.

To select an implied part, you must select No Filter in the Locate Filter box. You can use copy and paste to place the selected implied part under a design support.

Implied parts can be reported on and shown in the MTO of support fabrication drawings.

See Also

Part Ports
Reference Ports