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Intergraph Smart 3D Structural Detailing

Intergraph Smart 3D
Structural Detailing
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Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)

Specifies the properties for the opening that you are placing.

 Sketched Feature Properties

Opens the Sketched Feature Properties Dialog, which is used to define properties of the opening that are not available on the ribbon, mainly the catalog of parametric sketched features.

 Select Plate or Profile Part

Select the plate, profile, or member part in which to place the opening.

Select Sketching Plane RIBBON ICON Select Sketching Plane

Define the shape of the opening.


Places the sketched feature using the defined parametric catalog shape or sketched curve.

Sketching Plane

Specify the sketching plane for the opening. This is the first step in defining the opening.

Add Intersecting Item

Allows you to select objects that intersect the sketching plane in the 3D environment. You see the selected objects in the Sketch 2D environment when you are drawing the opening.

Add Projection Item

Allows you to select objects that do not intersect the sketching plane in the 3D environment. The objects are projected onto the sketching plane, and you see the selected objects in the Sketch 2D environment when you are drawing the opening.

Constraint Table Constraint Table

Opens the Constraint Table dialog from which you can modify sketch curve constraint values without going back into the Sketch 2D environment. A sketch curve must have already been defined in Sketch 2D before this option is available.


Displays the constraint type. You cannot edit the type.


Displays the constraint name. You cannot edit the name.


Defines the constraint value. Include the units of measurement when you edit the value: deg, mm, in, and so forth. You cannot edit a value if it is derived by a formula.

Value Type

Displays the value type: angle, radial, linear, and so forth. You cannot edit the value type.


Displays the formula used to derive the constraint value. You cannot edit formulas, nor can you edit values derived by formulas.


Filters which constraints display in the dialog based on the Sketch 2D layer to which they belong. By default, all constraints on all layers display.

Sketch 2D

Opens the Sketch 2D environment in which you can draw the opening.

 By Plane or Offset Plane

Places the plate system a specified distance from the reference plane. If you choose this option, you must define the offset distance. An offset distance of zero defines a coincident plane.

Plane by Point and Vector

Specifies the reference plane by defining a vector perpendicular to the reference plane. A third point defines the reference plane position along the vector.

 Plane by Three Points

Specifies the reference plane using three points that you specify in the model.

/Com_Unlock ICON Offset lock

Locks the Offset value, disabling updates of the offset value by mouse moves. The Lock option is only available when you use the Offset from a Plane option.


Specifies the offset distance for the plate from the selected reference plane. You can specify the offset dynamically in graphics or by typing the distance. The Offset option is only available when you use the Offset from a Plane option.

 Select Vector

Defines or selects a vector normal to the needed plane. This option is only available when you use the Plane by Point and Vector option.

 Define Point

Specifies the point along the vector at which to place the plate system or plane. This option is only available when you use the Plane by Point and Vector option.

 Define Point 1

Specifies the location of the first of three points that defines the plane. This option is only available when you are using the Plane by Three Points option.

 Define Point 2

Specifies the location of the second of three points that defines the plane. This option is only available when you are using the Plane by Three Points option.

 Define Point 3

Specifies the location of the third of three points that defines the plane. This option is only available when you are using the Plane by Three Points option.


Indicates whether Smart 3D automatically adds all related objects to the select set.


Clears the current selection.


Accepts the current selection.

Opening design type

Specifies the design opening property for the opening or hole. The default value is Permanent Access. The list is defined by the CutoutDesignType codelist.

Opening planning method

Specifies the planning opening property for the opening or hole. The default value is Design. The list is defined by the CutoutPlanningMethod codelist.

Opening production method

Specifies the production opening property for the opening or hole. The default value is Cut. The list is defined by the CutoutProductionMethod codelist.