Clear Space Quadrant 4 (DrawingQuadFour) - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Drawings and Reports Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)

Positions label in the fourth quadrant (lower-right) based on the positioning point. This module is used with DrawingQuadOne, DrawingQuadTwo, and DrawingQuadThree. These modules do not have to follow a certain order.

Usage in Label Template XML

<posModule value="DrawingQuadOne"/>
<posModule value="DrawingQuadTwo"/>
<posModule value="DrawingQuadThree"/>
<posModule value="DrawingQuadFour"/>



Allows you to select a point within the range of a model object as the starting point. Starting at this specified point, the software searches for clear space in the quadrants in order to place a label.

The range of available options is indicated by colored dots in the following graphic. In the following image, the Positioning Point is shown placed in the TopRight position, and the Connect Point is shown placed in the MiddleRight position.


1 - Top Left
2 - Top Middle
3 - Top Right
4 - Middle Left
5 - Middle Middle
6 - Middle Right
7 - Bottom Left
8 - Bottom Middle
9 - Bottom Right
10 - Quadrant 1

The following options allow you to manually edit the .xml file.

  • Type 0 to place the point at the top left.

  • Type 1 to place the point in the top middle.

  • Type 2 to place the point at the top right.

  • Type 3 to place the point at the middle left.

  • Type 4 to place the point in the middle middle.

  • Type 5 to place the point at the middle right.

  • Type 6 to place the point at the middle left.

  • Type 7 to place the point in the bottom middle.

  • Type 8 to place the point at the bottom middle.

hOffset, vOffset

The horizontal or vertical distance of the label from the positioning point. This distance is applied when the software cannot find clear space in which to place the label. The value is measured in meters.

The following graphic shows a label placed according to positive Vertical Offset and Horizontal Offset values.


1 - Horizontal Offset distance
2 - Vertical Offset distance


Specifies the point on the model object to which the leader line connects. If model objects block the direct path of the leader line to the Connect Point, then the leader line points toward the connect point.

The range of options is indicated by colored dots in the following graphic. The connectPoint is placed at the TopRight point.


1 - Top Left
2 - Top Middle
3 - Top Right
4 - Middle Left
5 - Middle Middle
6 - Middle Right
7 - Bottom Left
8 - Bottom Middle
9 - Bottom Right

The following options allow you to manually edit the .xml file.

  • Type 0 to place the Connect Point at the top left.

  • Type 1 to place the Connect Point at the top middle.

  • Type 2 to place the Connect Point at the top right.

  • Type 3 to place the Connect Point at the middle left.

  • Type 4 to place the Connect Point in the middle middle.

  • Type 5 to place the Connect Point at the middle right.

  • Type 6 to place the Connect Point at the bottom left.

  • Type 7 to place the Connect Point at the bottom middle.

  • Type 8 to place the Connect Point at the bottom right.


Specifies a portion of the height of a label as the basis for the increment used to find clear space in which to position the label.

  • Type 0 to specify a Coarse setting. With a Coarse setting, the software searches an increment of exactly one width and height of the existing label in order to find clear space in which to place the new label.

  • Type 1 to specify a Medium setting. With a Medium setting, the software searches an increment of exactly one-half the width and height of the existing label.

  • Type 2 to specify a Fine setting. With a Fine setting, the software searches an increment of exactly one-third the width and height of the existing label.


    1 - Label Offset
    2 - Coarse setting
    3 - Medium setting
    4 - Fine setting


Allows you to specify the distance from a point placed on the model object to the farthest location from the point that the label can be placed.

Use the Label Offset property when you want to place the label within quadrants around the point. The point generator calculates the point. The software starts from the point location and looks outward to the limit of the Label Offset distance, and then begins looking for clear space within which to place the label.


1 - Label Offset

Specify both the horizontal and vertical distances within which to place the label. Both distances must be the same.

Additional customization is available in the labelSettings section of the XML file. For more information, see Label Templates Overview.