The member system to split and the object selected to define the split location do not intersect. - Intergraph Smart 3D - Troubleshooting

Intergraph Smart 3D Troubleshooting Reference

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)

Meaning: For the split to perform properly, the member to be split must intersect the splitting object. The intersection failure might occur as a result of a move operation, copy/paste operation, or a compute of another objects geometry that might force the movement of the split member or splitting object. The move can cause this because the split member or splitting object can be moved such that they no longer intersect one another. Similarly, compute of another object that causes the movement of the split member or its splitting object results in the same problem. The copy/paste operation can result in this failure if the resulting pasted geometry causes the split member and splitting member to not intersect. Also, the paste can result in this failure if the selected split object and the splitting object do not intersect.

Recovery: If all the members are in the correct location, then the split is no longer needed and should be deleted. If however, the members are supposed to intersect one another, then move the member or splitting object such that the members intersect. It is possible that the move might require the editing of the member's Frame Connection and redefining their location.