Intersection Crotch Radius - CAESAR II - Help

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Specifies the intersection weld crotch radius for WRC329. Specifying this value can result in a 50% reduction in the stress intensification at the intersection when WRC 329 intersection options are selected.

Typical units (depending on your unit system):

  • in

  • mm

  • cm

When you specify this value, you are assuring that there no significant stress riser at the intersection weld.

To be effective in reducing the stress intensification, this value must be bigger than Tb/2 and Th/2. You must also check the value (Tb'+y)/2 in the code, where y is the largest thickness at the intersection. The crotch radius must also be larger than this value.

As of the 2001 addendum, B31.3 uses this value to determine if the fitting meets the geometric criteria of B16.9 (see Note 8 in Appendix D of B31.3 for details). If this value and the Intersection Crotch Thickness are defined, CAESAR II applies Note 8 to determine how the flexibility characteristic is to be computed. If these values are left blank, the software uses the setting in the configuration file to determine how the flexibility characteristic is to be computed.