A ProfilePart does not have a related ProfilePartGeometry - Intergraph Smart 3D - Administration & Configuration

Intergraph Smart 3D Database Integrity Administration

Intergraph Smart 3D
Database Integrity
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Administration & Configuration
Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)


A ProfilePart does not have a related ProfilePartGeometry.



Detailed Description

A profile part does not have a related profile part geometry: Missing the StructToGeometry relationship to ProfilePartGeometry for detailed StiffenerPart, detailed and standalone BeamPart, detailed and standalone EdgeReinforcementProfilePart, StandAloneStiffenerPart.

Possible Cause


Possible Impacts

  • The object will not display or highlight.

  • The weight and center of gravity (CoG) may not be calculated and will be invalid.

What You Should Do

  1. Open the model.

  2. In the Molded Forms task, select the object, and modify it, if necessary. Or, select the object, and perform a re-computation to update it.

  3. Re-run the Check Database Integrity custom command and the DBIntegrity report.

  4. If the object is still posted, contact Smart 3D Support.