The BracketByPlane definition ReferenceCollection PG does not match the BracketByPlane PG - Intergraph Smart 3D - Administration & Configuration

Intergraph Smart 3D Database Integrity Administration

Intergraph Smart 3D
Database Integrity
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Administration & Configuration
Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)


The BracketByPlane definition ReferenceCollection PG does not match the BracketByPlane PG.



Detailed Description

The defining ReferenceCollection, which provides symbol information needed for the BracketByPlane plate system, has a different Permission Group (PG) than that of the BracketByPlane plate system. The ReferenceCollection must have the same permission group as the plate system.

Possible Cause


Possible Impacts

You cannot manipulate the object itself or other objects related to it.

What You Should Do

  1. Ask your database administrator to back up the model.

  2. In the software, click Tools > Custom Commands, and run the Clean Database custom command.

  3. Select the object(s) to be repaired.

  4. Click Clean Now.

  5. Re-run the Check Database Integrity custom command and the DBIntegrity report.

  6. If the object is still posted, contact Smart 3D Support.