Preserve Text Orientation (preserveTextOrientation) - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Drawings and Reports Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Determines whether or not text always uses the dimension style setting in the label template .xml file.

In the Preserve Text Orientation property, select On to force the text to follow the style setting of the dimension or label template .xml file. Select Off to rotate and move the text away from the dimension line when not enough clear space exists.

Preserve Text Orientation On

1 - Non-rotated dimension text
2 - Dimension text with Preserve Text Orientation turned on
3 - Equipment object

Preserve Text Orientation Off

1 - Non-rotated dimension text
2 - Dimension text with Preserve Text Orientation turned off
3 - Equipment object

  • The following content modules use the Preserve Text Orientation property.

    • Vertical Coordinate Dimensions (DrawingCoordDimContLinVNoReplace)

    • Horizontal Coordinate Dimensions (DrawingCoordDimContLinHNoReplace)

    • Vertical Linear Dimensions (DrawingDimContLinVNoReplace)

    • Horizontal Linear Dimensions (DrawingDimContLinHNoReplace)

    • Horizontal Linear Dimensions with Value Replacement (DrawingDimContentLinearH)

    • Vertical Linear Dimensions with Value Replacement (DrawingDimContentLinearV)

  • The following options allow you to manually edit the .xml file:

    • Type -1 to preserve the text orientation.

    • Type 0 to allow the software to rotate the dimension text.

  • Enclose either of the above values within the following .xml tags.
