Absolute Dimension Offset (DrawingDimAbsolutePos) - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Drawings and Reports Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Positions dimensions at an absolute location.

absolute dimension offset_DrawingDimAbsolutePos_hoffset

1 - hOffset distance
2 - Dimension

absolute dimension offset_DrawingDimAbsolutePos

1 - vOffset distance
2 - Dimension

Usage in Label or Dimension Template XML

<posModule value="DrawingDimAbsolutePos">



Specifies the horizontal distance from the dimension line to the nearest dimension point in the chain for a vertical dimension. If hOffset is positive, then the dimension line is placed at the hOffset distance to the right of the rightmost point in the chain. If hOffset is negative, then the dimension line is placed at the hOffset distance to the left of the leftmost point in the chain.


Specifies the vertical distance from the dimension line to the nearest dimension point in the chain for a horizontal dimension. If vOffset is positive, then the dimension line is placed at the vOffset distance above the top point in the chain. If vOffset is negative, then the dimension line is placed at the vOffset distance below the bottom point in the chain.


Determines the offset for the overall dimension from the dimension chain.