Perimeter Offset (perimeterOffset) - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Drawings and Reports Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Specifies either the distance from the edge of the view to the dimension line, or the distance from the edge of the view to the edge of the label that is closest to the view.Specify the distance to apply the Perimeter Offset property.


1 - Perimeter offset distance
2 - Dimension

  • This property applies when you place the label or dimension using a positioning module. The following label positioning modules use this property:

    • Clear Space Margin (DrawingMarginOnly)

    • Absolute Grid Margin (DrawingGridLblMgnAbsPos)

    • Clear Space Grid Margin (DrawingGridLblMarginOnly)

    • Clear Space Clipped (DwgClippedPositioning)

    • Clear Space Margin with Dimensions (DwgMatchlineWithDim)

    • Clear Space Position by 2D Curve at Margin (ISDwgPositionByCurve2DAtMargin)

    • Clear Space Position Marine Grid Label at Margin (SMDwgPositionGridLblMarginOnly)

  • The Absolute Margin (DrawingDimMarginPos) dimension positioning module uses this property.

  • This property places the label or dimension within the margin outside of the view, instead of within the boundaries of the view.

  • The software interprets the distance from the edge of the view to the dimension line or edge of the label as paper space units and not as model space units.

  • You must specify a positive distance value, and the value must be greater than 0.000001 m.

  • To manually edit the .xml file, specify the distance that you want offset from the edge of the view to the dimension line or edge of the label. Enclose this value within the following .xml tags.
