Round Corner (Convex) - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Hangers and Supports SmartParts Configuration

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)


Specifies the corner type for the rounded notch. See the hsCornerShape sheet from the HS_S3DParts_Codelist.xls workbook for all the valid codes. Use codelist value 7 for this corner type.


Specifies the horizontal offset of the round notch center point. You can not offset the round notch off the plate in either direction. If you use a positive value, the software uses an equivalent negative value.

If you set the value to zero then, the rounded corner is placed tangent with each edge as shown below. The notch shape is a quarter-circle arc.

X = 0, Zero Offset

If the TLCornerX1 value is set to a negative value then, the software moves the center point away from the plate horizontally. This reduces the sweep angle of the notch shape and is less than a quarter-circle.

X < 0, Negative Offset


Specifies the vertical offset of the round notch center point. You can not offset the round notch off the plate in either direction. If you use a positive value, the software uses an equivalent negative value.

If you set the value to zero then, the rounded corner is placed tangent with each edge as shown below. The notch shape is a quarter-circle arc.

Y = 0, Zero Offset

If the TLCornerY1 value is set to a negative value then, the software moves the center point away from the plate vertically. This reduces the sweep angle of the notch shape and is less than a quarter-circle.

Y < 0, Negative Offset


Specifies the radius of the round notch shape.

If you require space in the X direction, the TLCornerRadius1 value must be greater than zero and less than Width1 value.

If you require space in the Y direction, the TLCornerRadius1 value must be greater than zero and less than Length1 value.

If the TLCornerRadius1 value is set to zero, the software creates a sharp corner edge.


Specifies the corner type. Use codelist value 7 for the corner type. See the hsCornerShape sheet from the HS_S3DParts_Codelist.xls workbook for all the valid codes. CornerType1 is applicable for all the vertical plates if the plate quantity is greater than 1.


Specifies the horizontal size of the rectangular notch. BLCornerX1 takes a positive value and must be less than the Width1 value.


Specifies the vertical size of the rectangular notch. BLCornerY1 takes a positive value and must be less than the Height1-Thickness1 value.


Specifies the radius of the angled notch shape. Use the BLCornerRadius1 value when the two outside points of the notch must be rounded using the corner radius value.