GaseousCargoType - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Compartmentation Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Defines cargo types for gases.

The Head section contains the following parameters (listed in alphabetical order):

  • Custom Program - Custom program for the cargo type, if needed. The Visual Basic source code for the load custom programs (rules) is delivered in [Programming Resources Folder]\Programming\ExampleCode\Compartmentation\Rules\GeneralLoad\CustomCompute folder.

  • density - Thickness of a material (mass per unit volume).

  • Description - Part description.

  • DynamicPressureOverPumping

  • expansion_coefficient - Measurement of swelling or expansion of a composite material due to temperature changes or moisture absorption

  • Name - Part name as it appears in the Catalog task. This identification must be unique across the entire catalog.

  • OverPressure - Overpressure setting. Min according to rule.

  • required_carriage_pressure - Required pressure to keep the gas in a liquid state.

  • specific_heat_capacity - Amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a kilogram of a material by 1 degree Centigrade.

  • thermal_conductivity - Rate at which a material conducts heat.

  • viscosity - Measured resistance to flow.