Miscellaneous PDMS Settings dialog box - Intergraph I-Convert - Help - Hexagon

Smart Isometrics I-Convert Help

Intergraph I-Convert
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Angle string

When calculating dimensions for various components, I-Convert needs to understand the component angle. To do this, it scans the description for the keyword entered in the Angle string and looks immediately before this to determine the angle. For example, if the description includes 90 Degree, then the Angle string can be Deg.

The following options allow the software to generate additional components from the PDMS data.

Create teed reducers from reducers

Generates teed reducer records for each reducer. In PDMS, reducers can be tapped. As a result, the software can generate teed reducers from a single reducer.

All reducing sizes are created up to the smaller bore of the reducer.

Create elbows from teed elbows

Generates a standard elbow record (non-reducing) for each teed elbow. In PDMS, teed elbows can be used as standard elbows; therefore, standard elbows do not exist in the catalog.

Create multiple teed elbows from single entry

Generates all the reducing sizes. In PDMS, teed elbows require only one entry regardless of the branch bore.


Accepts all changes and closes the dialog box.


Cancels all changes and closes the dialog box.


Accepts all changes without closing the dialog box.


Resets all settings in the dialog box to the stored defaults.


Opens the online documentation displays the Help-related topic.