Save Animation to File - CAESAR II - Help

CAESAR II Users Guide

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The animated graphics can be saved to a file by clicking Create an Animation File. Alternatively, you can access this command from the Dynamic Plot File > Save as Animation. After activating this command, the standard MS Windows Save As dialog box displays and prompts you to enter the file name and directory to save the files. By default, the current file name and current data directory is used. There are two file types that are created: an HTML file and an HSF file. To view the saved animation, find the corresponding HTML file and double-click it. The corresponding HSF file containing the animation routines is displayed. The HTML file contains buttons to play or pause the animation. The model can also be viewed at different orthogonal planes or returned to the isometric view.

The HTML is an interactive file.

The first time a CAESAR II file is created, the HTML file is opened with your default internet browser. The software displays a message requesting permission to download a control from Tech Soft 3D. Click Yes to allow the download, after which the image displays. After the model appears, right-click the model to view the available options such as orbit, pan, zoom, and/or different render modes. The image can be printed or copied to the clipboard.