Placing Profile Systems - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

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Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)

plate unfold The profile system commands define a single profile system or multiple profile systems. Commands are available for stiffener profile systems, linear beam profile systems, edge reinforcements, and tripping stiffener systems. Additional commands from the Structure task are also available for creating members and cans.

Five methods are available for creating the landing curves of stiffener profile systems:

  • By intersection

  • By offset

  • By two-dimensional sketch projection

  • By typing coordinates in a table

  • By selecting a starting object, an ending object, and an orientation (for a tripping stiffener)

When you create a landing curve by one of these methods, it can be linear, curved, polyline, circle, circular arc or elliptical.

You can use various input methods to create profile systems. You choose a method based on the type of trace curve to create.

You can use any of the following methods to create profile systems for vertical, horizontal, sloped, and curved profiles:

  • Define the location line and the inclination angle from an orthogonal surface.

  • Specify a distance from a reference surface or frame system.

  • Copy an existing profile system to create one or multiple new profile system.

  • Specify a pattern or spacing for multiple profile systems.

  • Refer an existing surface and defining a non-orthogonal surface tangent to the existing surface (for example, the surface of a stiffener connected to a longitudinal frame).

  • Minimum height or distances are maintained by the software for objects that use Sketch 2D, such as profiles by projection. See Minimum Distance.

  • When a profile system is created, a profile part is also created. Profile parts are detailed in the Structural Detailing task and then used to create manufacturing parts in the Structural Manufacturing task. Properties of the part can be modified.

  • When you create a profile by projection, the dialog title displays the plate system name using the format Plate System: <name of the plate system>.

  • You can change the default colors of profile systems, seams, reference curves, and knuckle curves to enhance visibility. See Modify profile system landing curve display colors.

Stiffener Profile System by Intersection Command

Creates a stiffener profile system on the selected plate system by defining the landing curve of the stiffener as the intersection of the selected plate system and a grid plane.

Stiffener Profile System by Offset Command

Creates a stiffener profile system on the selected plate system by defining the landing curve as being offset from an existing curve (a seam, plate boundary, plate edge, the landing curve of another profile system, or grid plane).

Stiffener Profile System by Projection Command

Creates a stiffener profile system on the selected plate system by projecting a 2D landing curve that you have sketched onto the plate system.

Stiffener Profile System by Table Command

Creates a stiffener profile system on the selected plate system by defining the landing curve as coordinates in a table.

Tripping Stiffener System Command

Creates a tripping stiffener on a selected plate system.

Profile Edge Reinforcement Command

Places a profile system along the free edge of a plate system.

Place Linear Member System Command

Places columns, beams, braces, and other linear members in the model.

SP3D STRUCT Place Can ICON Place Can Command

Places a can in the model. A can is a reinforcing connection piece on a member to increase the surface area available for connections or to provide increased wall thickness or both.

See Also

Knuckle Best Practices
Landing Curve Best Practices