Manually copy objects - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Molded Forms

Intergraph Smart 3D
Molded Forms
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Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)

When using the Create target group copy  and Modify target group copy options on the Copy by Family ribbon, you can manually select items to copy.

Copy Preselected Objects

The software copies the selected objects and objects on which the selected objects are dependent.

  1. Pre-select the needed objects.

  2. Click Edit > Copy by Family Command.

  3. To create a target, select Create target group copy , or click Finish.

  4. To modify an existing target, select Modify target group copy , or click Finish.

Only the target group is modified, even if you select target and source objects.

Clear Objects and Select Again

  1. Click Edit > Copy by Family Command.

  2. Clear Select All in the Synchronize Options Dialog, and select Create target group copy .

    All the copy candidates are highlighted in green, indicating that they are no longer selected.

  3. Manually select the objects to copy.