Displaying Queue Status - Intergraph Batch Services - Help

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A queue has two types of status: inflow and outflow, corresponding to the two states of the queue. The inflow state is either enabled or disabled. An enabled queue will accept new jobs that are submitted or transferred to it; a disabled queue will not. The outflow state is either stopped, started, or stopping. A stopped queue will not run the jobs it contains. A queue must be started in order to run jobs.

An "enabled/stopped queue" is a queue that will accept jobs but not run them.

Displaying a queue's status requires no special privileges.

Using Batch Manager:

  1. Select Server > Connect to.

  2. Key in the server name. You can also select a server from the dropdown list, which contains recently-selected servers.

  3. Click OK.

    Batch Manager displays the server in a server view.

    A way to display status for a specific queue is to select Queue > Connect to.

Using the command line:

  1. Use the qstat command.


    Start qmgr, and proceed to step 2.

  2. Use the show queue or show long queue commands to display information about a specific queue. If no queue name is given, this command displays all queues on the local server.

Using the Batch API:

Use the BatchGetQueueInfo function.