SAP Adaptor - EcoSys - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon PPM

EcoSys SAP Adapter Installation

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Installation & Upgrade
EcoSys Version

This section describes the steps for installing the EcoSys Web Services API components.

1. Deploy Server Components

Follow the same steps in this document for deploying the EcoSys application in your application server, but this time for PluginSAP. This includes deploying the pluginsap.war located in the EcoSys\deploy\ folder. You can deploy this component inside the same application server container as the EcoSys web application, or in a separate instance.

2. Configure Settings and Security

Connection Settings: In the file for the application server instance where each SAP adapter is deployed, configure these settings to match the deployment of your EcoSys Service. Doing this allows the plug-ins to connect to the service to interact with EcoSys data:

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Web service settings

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# URL for this server, used to tell plugins how to connect back to this instance


# timeout value (in seconds) for synchronous web services requests made to external plug-ins

# default is 1200 (20 min)


Service User: Configure the service account that the web service should run as. You must use the name of a valid EcoSys application user and its corresponding username. We recommend that this user have system admin rights. The web service logs in to EcoSys using this username, and all data operations executed through the API are performed as this user:

# username and password that service requests should run as



Authorization Token: For each component in the application instance, including the EcoSys web application and the EcoSys Web Services API, a common authorization token must be applied in If your components are deployed in the same application server instance, they will share a single settings file. You only need to configure this value in one place. The security token can be any numeric value, and only needs to be the same on each system.

# security token for authenticating plugins (must be same on all systems in the cluster and not blank)


3. Configure Logging

Edit the file for each application server instance where application and API components are deployed, and modify the log file path names to match folders on your local system. An example is shown below:
