Range Reject Tab (Motion Settings Dialog Box) - Intergraph Smart Review - Help

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Intergraph Smart Review
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
7.1 (2018 R1)
Smart Review Version

Allows Smart Review to not display very small graphical objects when moving around in the model. This improves the time it takes to update the display by reducing the number of objects that Smart Review draws during motion. You can set different range rejection criteria for each view by specifying the object size in pixels. Objects smaller than the user-defined pixel size may not be drawn.


Enables motion range rejection in all views with non-zero range rejection settings. The pixel size defined in the View ranges in pixels section determines the objects that will not be displayed when moving around in the model.


Provides better motion performance and is beneficial when viewing large models. The objects that display can vary each time you move through the model because the range rejection is based on the following:

  • How fast you move the mouse.

  • Or, for keyboard usage, the Maximum moves per second setting in the Rates tab of the Motion Settings dialog box. The larger the moves per second, the faster the display, but at the cost of more objects not being displayed.

  • The defined object size.

If you have both Activate and Dynamic options selected, SmartPlant Review attempts to display as many objects as possible that are larger than the defined pixel size.

View ranges in pixels

Main - Specifies the approximate maximum pixel size for objects to reject for display in the Main view.

Plan - Specifies the approximate maximum pixel size for objects to reject for display in the Plan view.

Elevation - Specifies the approximate maximum pixel size for objects to reject for display in the Elevation view.

If range rejection is enabled, it is on for all views. You can turn range rejection off for specific views by setting the pixel size for that view to 0.

Display Behavior in Order of Performance

The cases listed below illustrate how the Activate and Dynamic options work.

Activate Off and Dynamic Off

During motion, no range rejection is done. All objects are drawn. This is the slowest case but ensures the entire model is completely rendered.

Activate On and Dynamic Off

During motion, all objects smaller than the defined pixel size in the view are rejected. This is a faster option. It consistently rejects the smaller objects.

Activate Off and Dynamic On

During motion, different objects can be rejected. This is a faster option, however, the object display each time you move will be inconsistent. The goal of this option is to allow keyboard and mouse movements to interrupt the display and show as much as possible before you start to move again.

Activate On and Dynamic On

During motion, all objects smaller than the defined pixel size in the view are rejected. The remaining objects are drawn in decreasing sizes until you stop the motion. This is the fastest option. Although objects less than the defined size will NOT be drawn, the display can still be inconsistent because the remaining object display is still based on how fast you are moving the mouse, or the maximum moves per second you have defined when using the keyboard.

See Also

Motion Settings Dialog Box
Range Reject Tab (View Settings Dialog Box) Parent