Detect Collisions after You Move a Display Set - Intergraph Smart Review - Help

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
7.1 (2018 R1)
Smart Review Version

Tools > Collision Detection > Detect after Move

Enables collision detection on a display set after you have moved or rotated it using either the numeric keypad, or by using animation playback commands. You can see collisions that occur when a display set is in a different orientation or a new location. A mark by the command indicates it is active.

This command is not supported for display set drag-and-drop operations.

  1. Click Tools > Collision Detection > Detect Collisions, select the Default Collision Set, and then select a display set in the Main view.
    Click Tools > Collision Detection > Detect Collisions, and select a custom collision set that already has the display set associated to it. For more information on custom collision sets, see Create a Custom Collision Set.

  2. Click Tools > Collision Detection > Detect after Move.

  3. Use the Num Lock + numeric keypad combination to move and rotate the display set:

    • Keys 1 - 9 move the display set. The 0 key toggles the Continuous Motion option. The period key (.) repeats the last direction one step. The 5 key toggles the step direction.

    • For rotation, the forward backslash or divide key (/) on the numeric keypad turns the display set to the left. The asterisk or multiply key (*) turns the display set to the right. Use SHIFT+/ to rotate a display set to the left around the view axis. Use SHIFT+* to rotate a display set to the right around its axis.

      For a display set animation, use the Step Forward and Step Backward commands on the Animation Player to move the display set along its path.

      Smart Review generates a collision run after each display set move.

      When you move a display set using either of the above methods, the move could skip elements if the step amount is larger than the size of the element that is in the way. You may want to reduce this step amount if collision detection does not seem to be catching the possible collisions. You can also use the Detect along Move command to see collisions that occur as you move. For more information, see Detect Collisions along Move.

  4. To review each collision detection run and see the resulting report, click Tools > Collision Detection > Detect Collisions.

    The Detect Collision dialog box displays.

  5. Click Next or Previous to cycle through each collision. The collision is highlighted in the Main view.
    Click Display All to highlight all collisions in the Main view.

  6. To review each collision and generate a collision report, see View Collision Reports for more information.

See Also

Run Collision Detection on a Display Set Animation Path