Move Tab (Edit Display Set Position Dialog Box) - Intergraph Smart Review - Help

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Intergraph Smart Review
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
7.1 (2018 R1)
Smart Review Version

Defines a new location in which the selected display set will be moved. While defining the destination coordinates, keep in mind that they are relative to the reference origin (where the display set started out).

Reference origin

You can select a point in the glyph to automatically select and fill in the North/East/Elevation coordinates for the reference origin. The coordinates in the glyph correspond to a range box that automatically surrounds the selected display set when you are using this feature. The default reference origin is at the bottom center point of the selected display set range box.

The glyph point in yellow indicates the selected or current reference origin point in the glyph. As you move the cursor around in the glyph, the location on the display set's range box is highlighted in red. Click on a point in the glyph to select a new reference origin point. The new reference origin point displays in blue in the corresponding range box.

The display set range box only displays in the main window if either the Move or Rotate tabs are active.


When checked, the system applies the moved and/or rotated position, if any, to the display set in the model.  If unchecked, the selected display set is placed in its original position.


Specifies the north coordinate for the move reference origin.


Specifies the east coordinate for the move reference origin.


Specifies the elevation coordinate for the move reference origin.

Pick Point

Selects a 3D point in the model using the mouse rather than typing specific coordinate values. For more information, see Placing 3D Points.



Switches the move coordinate fields to accept absolute destination values for the new display set position. This option allows you to move the display set a specified amount from the original reference point.

Delta value

Switches the move coordinate fields to accept delta offset values for the new display set position. The Delta options allow you to define an offset, either a number value or a distance and bearing, from the original reference point.

Delta direction

Switches the move coordinate boxes to accept delta directional offset values for the new display set position. The Delta options allow you to define an offset, either a number value or a distance and bearing, from the original reference point.


Specifies the absolute destination delta value or delta direction for the north coordinate for the new position.


Specifies the absolute destination delta value or delta direction for the east coordinate for the new position.


Specifies the absolute destination delta value or delta direction for the elevation coordinate for the new position.

Pick Point

Specifies a 3D point in the model for the destination point rather than specifying each coordinate individually.

See Also

Change a Display Set Position