Subscribe to a Satellite Slot - Intergraph Smart P&ID - Configuration - Intergraph

Intergraph Smart P&ID Workshare Configuration and Reference (2019)

Intergraph Smart P&ID
Search by Category
Administration & Configuration
Smart Electrical Version
2019 (9.0)
Smart P&ID Version
9 (2019)
Smart Engineering Manager Version
10 (2019)
  1. Open the satellite site in Smart Engineering Manager.

  2. Click Workshare > New Collaboration.

  3. Follow the prompts in the New Workshare Collaboration wizard.

  4. Set the user access rights for the satellite plant.

  5. Run Smart P&ID Options Manager and edit the sequence numbers as needed for the satellite site.

  • You cannot create a satellite in the same site as the host site. You must have a separate site for the satellite.

  • You must obtain the Workshare password from the host site administrator, as it will be needed to complete the New Workshare Collaboration wizard.

See Also

New Workshare Collaboration Wizard
Change Password Command (Workshare Menu)
Configuring a Satellite Site
Type and Name (New Satellite Slot Wizard)