CloudWorx Features - CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D Help

CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D
Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)
Smart Review Version

Features of CloudWorx for Smart 3D include:

  • You can now use rich 3D point clouds as a reference for higher quality results in Smart 3D.

  • Point cloud display and management gives you full control over displaying, hiding, and snapping to point clouds. You can also selectively load and unload point clouds captured from different positions for improved visualization. Point clouds stored on layers in the Cyclone database can be managed by layers.

  • CloudWorx's powerful Level of Detail (LOD) graphics system and intelligent memory management provide efficient loading, visualization, and navigation of large point clouds. Point cloud data can be rendered in its true color or as intensity-mapped.

  • You can compare 3D design data with point clouds and check for deviations or interferences of the design against the as-built facility data acquired using High-Definition Surveying (HDS).

  • Flexible viewing tools include support to selectively view and work with regions of interest using fence, slice, and volume clipping to hide user-defined areas of point clouds.

  • CloudWorx is built on Jetstream Server foundation, which enables efficient handling and concurrent sharing of large point cloud data sets over a network.

  • CloudWorx can be used with the optional Cyclone-SERVER product to allow several Smart 3D seats to share large point cloud datasets in a workgroup environment. Cyclone SERVER is available from Leica Geosystems Inc.

  • You can use Key Plan and TruSpace to help locate and view point clouds. You can synchronize the viewpoint in the active Smart 3D viewport to be driven by the viewpoint in the TruSpace viewer. When synchronized, the Smart 3D viewpoint automatically follows the TruSpace viewpoint. You might find viewing to be more accessible in the TruSpace viewer, because TruSpace content is based on each scanner's position.

Regions of points and entire clouds can be hidden, but you cannot delete points, move points, edit points, or otherwise modify the point cloud from within CloudWorx. Point clouds are read-only from CloudWorx.