Modify the Web Configuration - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - 2020 10.0 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Installation (2020)

Intergraph Smart Reference Data
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
2020 (10.0)

The web.config file contains some application settings that administrators can set. This file is located in the server installation directory (<SRD10.3_Installation_Folder>\web\SRDService\).

Here is some sample code from the web.config file:


<add key="SecurityToken" value="ABC123"/>

<add key="DatabaseDefault" value="md"/>

<add key="ForceUseOfDatabaseDefault" value="N"/>

<add key="CultureInfoIdentifier" value="en-US"/>

<add key="MLoginPassword" value="m_login"/>

<add key="SRDHelpUrl" value=""/>


Database Default

You must modify the DatabaseDefault key to use the tnsname of your database. Look for this line:

<add key="DatabaseDefault" value="spmat8"/>

If necessary, change "spmat8" to your tns alias name.

<add key="DatabaseDefault" value="tnsaliasname"/>

The tnsname value affects the connection of the clients and is specified in both the web.config file and in the client software on the Login Parameters dialog box. For more information, see the Smart Reference Data User's Guide.

Force Database Default

In order to make sure your users are working in the proper database, you can set the ForceDatabaseDefault key. Look for this line:

<add key="ForceUseOfDatabaseDefault" value="N"/>

If you set this key to Y, the software ignores the login parameters on each client, using the database default instead.

If you set this key to N, the software uses the login parameters on the client.


You can add the SRD Help URL in the web.config file in order to open the SRD help. URL in the web.configuration can be edited.

<add key= "SRDHelpUrl" value= "fluid topic URL"/>

The Service URL and Help URL which you are using must be same as the URLs available in the configuration file. To update the configuration file, exit the application and re-login.

Login Password

To change the m_login default password, set the MLoginPassword key. Look for the following line:

<add key="MLoginPassword" value="bV9sb2dpbg=="/>

Database Password

Database user passwords are currently stored as plain text in configuration files. If you want to change the M_LOGIN password, you can change, encrypt and To store encrypted passwords,

  1. Launch SQL*Plus and connect to your database as M_SYS.

  2. Execute this command to get the encrypted password of M_LOGIN user:

    select M_PCK_DB.epa('PASSWORD') from dual;

    For example:

    SQL> select M_PCK_DB.epa('PASSWORD') from dual;




  3. Additionally, the encrypted password is stored in the web.config file, which can be found at:

    <Product root>\Web\SrdService\Web.config

For MLoginPassword value, replace with value = “bV9sb2dpbg==”

The above procedure should be followed every time the M_LOGIN password changes.

Server Request Limits

To restrict the maximum size of a request to the IIS, you must add the following lines to your web.config:




<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="1073741824" />




The value (in bytes) assigned to the requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength parameter in the example above restricts the size to 1 GB. You can assign any value between 1 and 4,294,967,295.