Appendix: XML Configuration File Syntax - Intergraph I-Data Integrator - Help - Hexagon

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Intergraph I-Data Integrator
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I-Data Integrator Version
2019 R1 (8.1)

To convert Isogen report data to the required output format, you can modify the standard template configuration file, Default.xml. In a default installation, the Default.xml file is delivered to the [Installation Folder]\Program Files (x86)\SmartPlant\Isometrics\I-Data Integrator folder. Alternatively, you can create an .xml configuration file from scratch using a text editor, such as Notepad.

The configuration file is in XML format. An example of Its basic layout is shown in the example.

Configuration file syntax

The configuration file consists two sections: the <I-DATA-INTEGRATOR-SETTINGS> and <I-DATA-INTEGRATOR-OUTPUT-OPTIONS>.

  • The <I-DATA-INTEGRATOR-SETTINGS> section contains all the settings required to run the software. It largely reflects the options shown in the Main window, with the addition of a few other options. This section of the configuration file is mandatory.

  • The <I-DATA-INTEGRATOR-OUTPUT-OPTIONS> contains how the software behaves during the conversion process. It is used to specify links to external data, what new generated data is to be created, and what scripts are to be run when the dataset is processed. This section of the configuration file is typically divided into four sub-sections: <EXTERNAL-DATA> (1), <GENERATED-DATA> (2), <OUTPUT-CONTROLS> (3), and <OUTPUT-FORMATS> (4).