Catalog Settings dialog box - Intergraph I-Convert - Help - Intergraph Process, Power & Marine Documentation

SmartPlant Isometrics I-Convert Help

Intergraph I-Convert
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Catalog Options Tab

Output Format

Specifies the output format for the catalog data. Select SmartPlant Isometrics to produce a new-style database, or select I-Sketch to produce the old style series of text files.

Catalog type

Specifies the type of catalog to create:

  • Specification Catalogs creates a separate SmartPlant Isometrics catalog and specification for each project specification.

  • Master Catalog merges all project specifications to a single SmartPlant Isometrics master catalog.

Overwrite Existing Catalogs

Controls whether I-Convert overwrites previous versions of the data. If not selected, the software appends any new data to the existing data.

Sort Catalog

Controls whether I-Convert groups components by their SmartPlant Isometrics configuration codes and symbol keys. If not selected, the software orders components by how they are encountered in the project specification.

Generate Additional Material Data

Generates an Access database containing extra information that has been used/calculated during processing. In addition to the standard SmartPlant Isometrics data, this additional data includes such things as model code, geometric standard, schedule thicknesses, and so on. This option is available only for PDS and PDMS projects.

Populate branch table

Controls the automatic generation of a Branch table in the database. SmartPlant Isometrics uses the Branch table for automatic selection of the correct type of connection when forming branches. This option is available only when you select SmartPlant Isometrics in the Output Format list.

Populate flange table

Generates a table that allows SmartPlant Isometrics to choose the correct type of flange by default. This option is available only when you select SmartPlant Isometrics in the Output Format list.

Generate I-Sketch legacy spec

Allows I-Sketch text files to be produced concurrently with the database. This option is available only when you select SmartPlant Isometrics in the Output Format list.

CIF Options Tab

Component Information (CIF) options control the maximum number of characters available for item code, weight and description data in the SmartPlant Isometrics catalog. Ensure that sufficient characters are available in each field. I-Convert truncates any entries found longer that the specified maximum and issues a message in the file. All fields are read only.

Item Code 1

Displays the database index.

Item Code 2

Displays the size dependant code based on the database index (if requested by the specification).


Component weights are not generated from CADWorx Pipe data.OK

Accepts all changes and closes the dialog box.


Cancels all changes and closes the dialog box.


Accepts all changes without closing the dialog box.


Resets all settings in the dialog box to the stored defaults.


Opens the online documentation displays the Help-related topic.