AutoPlant Projects - Intergraph I-Convert - Help - Intergraph Process, Power & Marine Documentation

SmartPlant Isometrics I-Convert Help

Intergraph I-Convert
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I-Convert Version

The topics in this section discuss configuring AutoPlant project settings, reviewing the component data to be converted, and then generating the subsequent output data that is to be used in the I-Convert project.

You must extract and organize your AutoPlant data before performing any of the tasks in this section. For more information, see Prepare Project Data.

  1. Create a new project.
    Open an existing project.

  2. In the Settings dialog box, double-click General Settings or AutoPlant Settings to display the lists of available settings. You can also click and to open and close the General Settings and AutoPlant Settings nodes.

  3. Select any of the sub-settings headings to display the relevant dialog box.

If you close the Settings dialog box, all other settings dialog boxes are closed automatically. To re-open, click Settings . You can also click View > Settings to toggle on and off the display of the dialog box.

Catalog Settings dialog box

AutoPlant Input File Locations dialog box

Units Settings dialog box

AutoPlant Module Options dialog box

Bolting Options Dialog Box

Description Options dialog box

Item Code Settings Dialog Box

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