Install ActiveMQ - EcoSys - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon PPM

EcoSys Connect Installation and Configuration

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Installation & Upgrade
EcoSys Version

The installActiveMQ installation script will create an installation directory $CONNECT/activemq-workspace which will be the installed and configured instance of the ActiveMQ container.

  • Once installed, do not delete the activemq-workspace directory as it contains the active configuration for the ActiveMQ container.

  • If you re-run or need to re-deploy ActiveMQ, the installActiveMQ script will delete the activmq-workspace directory, volumes and other configuration it created previously.

    The script will not remove the ActiveMQ stack if it is already running. You must remove it first and then run the script.

  • The installation script does not have re-try logic, failure to answer a question could exit the script. When this occurs, execute the script again to complete the installation successfully.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Run the script.

  2. Answer Y to proceed with the installation. Any prior installed ActiveMQ docker components will be removed.

  3. Enter the value to set the Encryption passphrase. This will be used to encrypt other ActiveMQ passwords.

  4. Enter the value for _JMX1_, this will be used to set the JMX username.

  5. Enter the value for _JMX2_, this will be used to set the JMX user’s password,

  6. Enter the value for _CREDS1_, this will be used to set the ActiveMQ’s admin user’s password.

  7. Enter the value for _CREDS2_, this will be used to set the ActiveMQ’s read/write user’s password.

  8. Enter the value for _CREDS3_, this will be used to set the ActiveMQ’s read-only user’s password.

  9. Enter the value for _CREDS4_, this will be used to set the keystore password. The password must be at least 6 characters long. The script will exit if the minimum length is not satisfied.

  10. Enter the value for _CREDS5_, this will be used to set the truststore password. The password must be at least 6 characters long. The script will exit if the minimum length is not satisfied.

    The installation script will now ask questions to build a keystore and truststore which will be used for secured communication between ActiveMQ and the other connect components.

  11. The installer will confirm the machines fully qualified hostname. For example, ""

    • This needs to be a valid fully qualified name that can be accessed by DNS.

    • Later in the installation, while configuring the Connect Dispatcher, Agent, and LogAgent, you must provide a brokerURL in the form ‘failover:ssl://[host]:61617’.

      The [host] setting must be the fully qualified hostname entered here. If there is a difference in the host setting, the secured connection to ActiveMQ will be denied. If the name is incorrect, enter n and you will be asked to provide a correct name.

  12. Confirm the fully qualified hostname again.

  13. Enter the name of your organization unit.

  14. Enter the name of your organization.

  15. Enter the name of your City or Locality.

  16. Enter the name of your State or Providence.

  17. Enter the two-letter country code.

  18. Confirm the "Distinguished Name" that will be used in the TLS certificate.

    The installer will create the TLS artifacts and required Docker volumes.

  19. Confirm that you want to deploy the ActiveMQ container

    The installation will deploy and start the ActiveMQ Docker container.

    The location of the amq-client.ts will be displayed. This file is required during the installation of the Dispatcher, Agent, and LogAgent.

  20. Verify that the service is provisioned by issuing the host shell command:

    docker service ls

    When the service has provisioned correctly, the count under ‘REPLICAS’ must read 1/1.