CAESAR II Operational (Job) Data - CAESAR II - Help

CAESAR II Users Guide

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During the input/analysis/output phases of operation, CAESAR II creates a number of job-specific data files. Some of these data files are used solely by CAESAR II, while others contain either input or output data. This section defines the files that you will most likely encounter, their purpose, and whether they are important for archiving purposes. In most cases, the job files listed below are only exposed, or visible, on the machine when a job is active. When a job is not active, all of its files are compressed into either a .C2 archive (for piping) or a .C2S archive (for structural).

  • In the following list, an asterisk (*) after the file extension indicates that it should be saved to archive input data. A double asterisk (**) indicates the file should be saved to archive output data.

  • Not every file listed may be present for a given job. The presence of a file is dependent upon what analysis has been run.

Static Input Files

._A *

User-defined spreadsheet input data.

._J *

Load case data.

.C2DB *

Contains additional user-defined input data.

Dynamic Input File

._7 *

User-defined dynamic input data.

Structural Input File

.STR *

User-defined structural input data.

Soil Input File

.SOI *

User-defined soil property data.

Scratch Files

._B -

Nodal boundary condition file created by the piping error checker and used by the analysis modules.


Element properties file created by the piping error checker and used by the analysis modules.


Element connectivity file created by the piping error checker and used by the analysis modules.


Nodal coordinate file created by the piping error checker and used by the analysis modules.


Job control information created by the piping error checker and used by the analysis modules.


Bend control information created by the piping error checker and used by the analysis modules.


Structural geometry file used with piping preprocessor.


Scratch file.


Scratch file.


Scratch file with intermediate hanger data.


Scratch file.


Harmonic components for animation.


Harmonic solution frequency and phase data.


Animation output data file from time history analysis.

Output Files

._M **

Intermediate output file that contains data generated by the piping error checker and load case setup modules.

._P **

Static output data file.

._Q **

Actual harmonic displacement data.

._S **

Dynamic output data file.

._T **

Time history output data file.


Intermediate eigenvalue output file.


Intermediate eigenvector output file.

.OTL **

Input/Output QA sequencing data file.


Model warning messages from the error checker.

Additional Files


Plot control data.


Text input data for user verification.


Intermediate calculation file generated by the software's FEA translator.


User-generated text output data file.


Configuration options file. Applies to all jobs in the same directory as the .CFG file.


User-generated custom units file.