An OPC data source is configured on the OPC Connection node.
An OPC UA tag name/node ID has a namespace and an identifier, whereas an OPC DA or
OPC HDA tag name (supported on j5 version 28.0) only has an identifier. These are
used when you reference an OPC UA tag from within j5. For example, where ns=<namespace> and s=<tagname>.
Convert Boolean Values: Select True to convert the Boolean values into integers (0 and 1). This allows the aggregates to be calculated.
Disable Subscriptions: Select True to disable the OPC subscription. This will force j5 to poll OPC for values.
Ignore OPC Timestamp: Select True to ignore the timestamp that OPC specifies. The time the event arrives in j5 is used as the time.
Only query existing data: Select True to only query existing data. It won't query any data-point later than the timestamp of the last real data-point. Additionally, it will only search up to a week before the queried time. If there was no real data-point within the last week, it will return null.
Read Timeout: Enter the number of seconds before a tag reading times out.
Heartbeat Tag: Enter the identifier for a heartbeat tag. j5 listens to this tag to detect disconnection events.
Heartbeat Update Interval: Enter the expected maximum number of seconds between each change ("heartbeat") on the Heartbeat Tag.
Maximum Heartbeat Errors: Enter the number of read errors j5 should encounter before it does a forced reconnect.
Disable Auto-Prefix of Datasource Name: Select True to stop the ‘opc_’ prefix from being added to the data source name in j5.
Display Possible Tags: Select True to read the possible tag identifiers on the OPC tag database. These tag readings can be tracked in the j5 Event Manager application. When False is selected, a manual tag entry is still possible.
The Display Possible Tags setting can cause performance issues with large OPC tag databases when set to True.
OPC Server: Enter the URL of the OPC server you want to connect to.
Root Object ID: Enter the ID of the root object node.
Application Certificate: Browse to the application certificate or enter the path to the certificate.
A public certificate (PEM or DER file) is shared with the OPC UA server. The server uses this to encrypt messages sent to j5, and to verify the signatures of messages received from j5.
Application Private Key: Browse to the private key of the application certificate or enter the path to the private key.
A private certificate (PEM or DER file) is used by the j5 application server (an OPC UA client) to decrypt the messages received from the OPC UA server, and to sign messages sent to the OPC UA server.
Authentication Method: Select the method you want to use to connect to the OPC UA server.
Anonymous - The OPC UA user is anonymously authenticated with the OPC UA server. This method is not recommended.
Username (and Password) - The username and password for the OPC UA user (j5) are used to authenticate j5 with the OPC UA server.
Certificate - A user public and private certificate is used to authenticate the OPC UA user (j5) with the OPC UA server.
Message Security Mode: Select the security mode you want to use for communication with the OPC server.
None - The messages sent between the j5 server application (OPC UA client) and the OPC UA server aren't encrypted.
You can only select the None option when the security policy is set to None.
Sign - The messages sent between the j5 server application (OPC UA client) and the OPC UA server are signed.
SignAndEncrypt - The messages sent between the j5 server application (OPC UA client) and the OPC UA server are signed and encrypted.
Security Policy: Select the security policy that is supported by the OPC server.
None - The communication between the OPC UA server and the j5 server isn't encrypted or signed.
Aes128Sha256RsaOaep or Basic256Sha256 - The communication between the OPC UA server and the j5 server is encrypted and signed with the selected cryptographic algorithm.
User Certificate: Browse to the user certificate or enter the path to the certificate.
User Private Key: Browse to the private key of the user certificate or enter the path to the private key.