Configure the IP.21 connection - j5 - 30 - Connectors & Integration - Hexagon

j5 IP.21 Connector Configuration

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An Aspen IP.21 data source is configured on the IP21 Connection node.

The IP.21 Connection node only appears in the j5 System Management Console when the Aspen IP.21 ODBC driver has been installed on your j5 Server. The driver is installed with Aspen SQLPlus. Refer to Install the Aspentech IP.21 Driver for more information.

  • Disable Auto-Prefix of Datasource Name - Select True to stop the ‘ip21_’ prefix from being added to the data source name in j5.

  • Display Possible Tags - Select True to read the possible tag identifiers on the IP.21 tag database. These tag readings can be tracked in the j5 Event Manager. When False is selected, a manual tag entry is still possible.

    When Display Possible Tags is:

    • True - It can cause performance issues with large IP.21 tag databases.

    • True - The tag identifiers are case sensitive in the j5 Event Manager (False = case insensitive).

    • True or False - The tag identifiers are case insensitive in the j5 IndustraForm Designer.

    • True or False - The tag identifier spacing needs to match exactly in the j5 Event Manager and j5 IndustraForm Designer.

  • Extra Analog Tables - The default behavior reads analog values from IP_AnalogDef and IP_AnalogDblDef. This is a comma-separated list of extra tables to add to the analog value queries.

  • Extra Discrete Tables - The default behavior reads discrete values from IP_DiscreteDef. This is a comma-separated list of extra tables to check for discrete tags.

  • Extra Text Tables - The default behavior reads text values from IP_TextDef. This is a comma-separated list of extra tables to check for text tags.

  • Maximum Rows - Enter the maximum number of rows the ODBC driver should return to j5 for a query to prevent memory errors.

  • Password - Enter the password for the IP.21 connection.

  • Port - Enter the port IP.21 should listen on.

  • Server - Enter the name of the IP.21 server. The server name should be the same as the host name in the ODBC driver’s DNS.

  • Timeout - Enter the maximum number of seconds IP.21 should wait to execute a statement before aborting.

  • User - Enter the username for the IP.21 connection. The service account username needs the domain prefix (domain\username).