User rights - j5 - 28.0 - Help - Hexagon

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You are assigned a user rights group or a user profile (which specifies your user rights group) when your j5 profile is created. Your assigned user rights group or user profile determines what j5 applications you can see and use, as well as your adding, editing, and deleting rights for individual entries.

For example, the default operator and supervisor user (who are not usually involved in the planning activities) do not have access to the Work Planning module for the j5 Work Instructions application. Additionally, operators and supervisors with the default user rights configuration can add and edit entries in the j5 Operators Logbook application, but can’t delete entries.

If you require conditional access to different user rights, you can be assigned a Default Profile and Alternate Profiles with the required user rights. You can switch between your assigned profiles at any time.

Your assigned user rights group or user profiles are determined by your job function and needs.