Installing the SDB Merge Tool - Intergraph Smart Reference Data Standard Database - 12.0 - Installation & Upgrade

Standard Database for Intergraph Smart Reference Data Installation

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Standard Database
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Installation & Upgrade
Standard Database for Smart Reference Data Version
2020 (12.0)
Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
2016 R4 (8.4)

This section describes hosting the ‘SDB Merge Tool’ web application in a web server using IIS (Internet Information Services) Manager.

Configure IIS Settings for Windows Server 2016

To configure the IIS setting for Windows Server 2016, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Windows 2016 Server Manager as administrator.

  2. Select Local Server.

  3. Select Add Roles and Features from the Tasks list to launch the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

  4. Click Installation Type and select Role-based or feature-based installation.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Click Next on the Server Selection window.

  7. Select Web Server (IIS) from the Roles list.

  8. Click Add Features on Add Roles and Features wizard and click Next.

  9. Select HTTP Activation under the node .NET Framework 4.6 Features > WCF Services in the Select Features window.

  10. Click Add Features on Add Roles and Features wizard and click Next.

  11. Select Restart the destination server automatically and click Yes to restart if required by the system.

  12. Click Install to complete the IIS installation.

  13. Once the features are installed, click Close.

For more information for configuring IIS, see Configure IIS Settings for Windows Server 2016.

Install Oracle Client

Install the Oracle client version V979520-01.

  1. Open the Client folder and double-click setup.exe.

  2. Select Administrator and click Next.

  3. In the Select Product Languages window, select English, and click Next.

  4. In the Oracle Home User Selection window, select Use Windows Built-in Account, and click Next.

  5. Click Next.

    If you want to change the Oracle base or software location, click Browse and select another directory.

  6. In the Summary window, click Install.

  7. When the installation is finished, click Close.

  8. Change the registry setting NLS_LANG for the Oracle Client home to AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 (where AL32UTF8 is the character set of the database).

Register 18c Oracle.DataAccess.dll and Oracle.DataAccess.EntityFramework.DLL

After you install Oracle client, you must manually register Oracle.DataAccess.dll to Global Assembly Cache (GAC).

  1. Click Start > All Programs > Accessories.

  2. Open Command Prompt as Run as administrator.

  3. Type the command to access the ODP.NET folder which is in the Oracle installation location.

    Example: >CD <Oracle installation folder>\product\18.0.0\client_1\ODP.NET\bin\4

  4. Type the command, oraprovcfg /action:gac /providerpath: <Oracle installation folder>\product\18.0.0\client_1\ODP.NET\bin\4\Oracle.DataAccess.dll

    Repeat the same for Oracle.DataAccess.EntityFramework.DLL

  5. Type the command, oraprovcfg /action:gac /providerpath<Oracle installation folder>\product\18.0.0\client_1\ODP.NET\bin\4\EF6\Oracle.DataAccess.EntityFramework.dll

Installation Steps

  1. Open the command prompt with administrator privileges.

  2. By default, application pool for web applications will be set to DefaultAppPool. Users must create a new application pool for SDBMerge during first time installation.

    Use the command below to create a new application pool.

    %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\APPCMD add apppool /name:SDBMerge

  3. Run the command below for replacing SDBInstallDirectory with your installation directory:

    %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\APPCMD add app /"Default Web Site" /path:"/SDBMerge" /physicalPath:"<SDBInstallDirectory>\SDBMerge" /applicationPool:SDBMerge

    To delete the SDBMerge application from IIS, run the command below.

    %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\APPCMD delete app "Default Web Site/SDBMerge"

  4. Provide Read/Write Permissions for "IIS_IUSRS" on the "Exports" folder under "<SDBInstallDirectory>\SDBMerge".

  5. Provide Read/Write Permissions for "IIS_IUSRS" on the "Logs" folder under "<SDBInstallDirectory>\SDBMerge".

  6. Merge Tool is a web-based tool. it can be accessed using the web URL after hosting successfully.

    Default URL: http://<servername>/SDBMerge/Index.html. servername specifies the computer on which web application is hosted.

SDB Migration Steps

Upgrading SDB 2018/2018R1 database to SDB 2020:

Standard Database for Intergraph Smart Reference Data 2020 upgrade is certified and supported for the following path:

  • SDB 2018R1 with SRD 8.4.0 to SDB 2020 with SRD 8.4.0.

  • SDB 2018 with SRD 8.4.0 to SDB 2020 with SRD 8.4.0.

The upgrade process from SDB 2018/2018R1 version to SDB 2020 is described in SDB Migration Process.