Place MicroStation Information in the Document - SmartSketch - Help

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To place MicroStation information onto the drawing sheet, you must first open the software and open the document that you want. You set options for inserting the MicroStation information into the document with Options on the Tools menu. The options are located on the Foreign Data tab.

To use this functionality, you must install the Translators option.

To Drag a Document

  1. Open Windows Explorer and select the MicroStation document that you want.

  2. Drag the document into the active document in the software.

To Insert a Document

  • Click Insert > Object and select MicroStation document that you want.

If you place dimensions or constraints to items located within a reference file, it is recommended that you do not manipulate those items in the reference file without first deleting the dimension or constraint in the Master file. Such manipulations could cause problems in the Master file. See Embed an Object.

To Drag Selected Elements

  1. Open the MicroStation document and select the elements that you want.

  2. Drag the selected elements into the active document in the software.

If you press Ctrl while you drag a document, the symbol is embedded. If you press Ctrl + Shift, the document is linked.

To Copy and Paste Selected Elements

  1. Open the MicroStation document and select the elements that you want.

  2. Copy the selected information.

  3. In the software, on the Edit menu, click Paste Special or Copy to copy the selected elements into the current document.

  • You can also open a MicroStation document directly with Open on the File menu.

  • When you open a MicroStation document that has references to other documents, those referenced documents also appear. You can locate referenced documents in the current document.

  • After you place the MicroStation information in the current document, you can locate elements and establish relationships between the new information and elements that you place using the software.

See Also

Copying and Pasting Elements
Object Command
How Embedding Works
How Linking Works