ShowPublishDialogForScheduledPublish As Long - Integration - Update 46 - Help - Hexagon

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This method should be called in conjunction with GetDocumentListContainerForPublish. Design tool should support ToolBatchPublish to be able to call this method on the interface. Before calling this method, the design tool would identify the selected documents by adding them to IContainer returned by the GetDocumentListContainerForPublish method. When called, the ShowPublishDialogForScheduledPublish method first checks if the tool supports ToolBatchPublish feature and then displays the Publish dialog box with the list of documents in the tree view control passed in the IContainer object. The Operation drop-down control has Scheduled Publish as the only option. When the user clicks OK on the Publish dialog box, business logic code will call ISPAdapter to generate XML for each document.

The ShowPublishDialog method completes the transaction started by the GetDocumentListContainerForPublish method if the method is successful. The following steps take place in the ShowPublishDialog method.

The Publish dialog box is displayed.

After the user makes selections in the Publish dialog box,

  • ServiceManager calls ISAdapter to generate document XML for each document.

  • ServiceManager sends yours selections to the tool adapter using the ISPAdapter4 interface instead of continuing with the normal publish process.

ServiceManager later calls ISPAdapter to let SPAdapter know that publish is successful for each document published successfully.



Data Type






IContainer pointer to documents container.

Return Value

  • 0 if method is successful.

  • 1 if user cancels the operation in in Publish dialog.

  • A negative number if method fails. (Check the LastErrorMessage property for error message)


The design tool should release all local pointers to IContainer passed in the ShowPublishDialogForScheduledPublish method after the method is called successfully.