LoadObject client API - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 46 - Help - Hexagon

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The LoadObject client API is used to load objects from the database into a drilldown.



Parameter 1

Interface name to search

Parameter 1 default


Parameter 1 description

The name of the interface definition to query by

Parameter 1 type


Parameter 2

Object name or UID

Parameter 2 default


Parameter 2 description

The name of UID of the object to be retrieved. For example:

  • $Plant – name of the plant

  • $User – name of the logged in user

  • CURRENTCONFIG – name of the create configuration

  • CURRENTQUERYCONFIG – name of the query configuration

  • CONFIGLEVELn – Name of the configuration at level n. For example, CONFIGLEVEL1 = plant

Parameter 2 type


Parameter 3

Reload on change of create configuration (level 1= plant)

Parameter 3 default


Parameter 3 description

If True, the load object is rerun each time the user changes the plant Create configuration. For example, it is used on SPFPlantDrillDown to replace the plant in the tree view when the create configuration is changed.

Parameter 3 type


Parameter 4

Reload on change of query configuration

Parameter 4 default


Parameter 4 description

This setting is to refresh an object in the tree that can have objects from many configurations related to it.

An example is HomeColDrillDown. A user may have expanded the contents of home collection in Plant A and Project 1 and then added Project 2 to the query configuration. Unless the home collection is refreshed, the user will not see the Project 2 items.

The reason this is not always done is because it collapses an expanded relationship. For example, the classification tree stays expanded.

Parameter 4 type


Parameter 5

Allow multi configuration relationship expansions

Parameter 5 default


Parameter 5 description

Set to False to load objects into the tree view in the context of the create configuration only. This results in all relationship expansion from this node being in this context.

Parameter 5 type


The following methods use the LoadObject client API to load objects from the database into a specific drilldown.

  • DEVEquipmentClassDrillDown

  • DocTypeDrillDown

  • EquipmentClassDrillDown

  • HomeColDrillDown

  • InstrumentClassDrillDown

  • SDALoaderClassDrillDown

  • SPFPlantDrillDown