Load Manager issues - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 46 - Help - Hexagon

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You may get an error when trying to create a load job in the Load Manager.

Object successfully created, but failed to be attached to the workflow


This error may occur in the following cases:

  • In the CSV file, there are rows with columns that do not match the column header.

  • The number of columns in the CSV file do not match with the import mapping columns created in Data Validator.

You must ensure that the data in the CSV file matches the data in the specified import definition by comparing the CSV file and the import mapping columns in the import definition. You must correct the data in the CSV file and create a new load job with the corrected CSV file.

We recommend consulting the trace log for details. Browse to the trace log normally located at <drive>:\SmartPlant Foundation Server Files\TraceLogs\SiteName and view the SPFServerTraceRolling.log.

For more information on job processing issues in Data Validator, see Job Processing.