Configure objects for use in List Edit - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 46 - Help - Hexagon

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You can use LIST EDIT to edit specific objects and their related properties in rows in the results table. However, if you want to edit object types, you must configure their column set items in the Desktop Client for use in LIST EDIT. For more information, see List editing.

LIST EDIT is exposed in the Web Client for an object type by configuring a specific List Edit method for the object using the ListEditContextMenu or ListEditUncontrolledItems client APIs.

The ability to create specific objects and data types in the Web Client using LIST EDIT must be configured by adding the specific object create method to the object List Edit method. For example, you must add the Create Tag method to the List Edit Tags method in the List Management create method property field.

  • For information on configuring object column set items for use in LIST EDIT, see Manage column items for edit.

  • Column items can contain picklists, enum lists, dates, UoMs and so on, and can be configured with dependencies so that the display of one type is dependent on the other.

  • Mandatory and read-only columns, such as the Creation Date, are delivered editable by default and must be configured to be not editable.

  • Related objects can be edited in List Edit by configuring the ListEditUncontrolledItems client API, which uses a list edit method to expand an edge or relationship definition to a set of target objects. For more information, see ListEditUncontrolledItems client API.

  • For information on the ListEditContextMenu client API, see ListEditContextMenu client API.